
条款 & 条件


欢迎来到伟德国际(SAS)网站, 其中包括MY Saint Andrew's (体育会)和School App. Please review the following terms and conditions concerning your use of the website, 体育会, 或学校App. 通过访问, 使用或下载本网站的任何资料, 您同意遵守并受这些条款和条件的约束. If you do not agree with these 条款, please do not use this website, 体育会, 或学校App.



The Saint Andrew’s School (SAS) website serves as a resource for individuals both inside and outside of the SAS community. 该网站作为教师之间交流的中心手段, 父母, 学生, 受托人, 和校友. Prospective families and employees are also included in its target audience. 用户可以访问最新的BETVlCTOR, 日历, 日程安排, 和其他学校信息,如学校的使命, 历史, 课程, 招生材料, 校园地图. 这 policy seeks to address these uses and to be flexible enough to meet future needs as they occur.


因为SAS网站是学校的官方出版物, the 伟德国际 交流团队 has been appointed to serve as the monitor of the site. The 交流团队 is charged with regularly reviewing the school's web pages to ensure that 的信息 presented is 准确的, 一致的, 和最新的, 设计元素是统一的. 也, the 交流团队 serves as the contact for any visitors who have 问题 about the site.


The 交流团队 also maintains 直接 contact with each division and office of the school to ensure the needs of their constituencies are being recognized and addressed. 通讯小组将提供协助, 授权, 并培训各部门和办公室的创作, 出版, 维护, 更新办公室或部门的网页. SAS社区的成员应该直接发表意见, 担忧, 问题, 建议, 并向通讯团队提出有关网站的要求.



So that the site serves as a reliable resource for prospective 学生 and employees, 对父母也是如此, 当前的学生, 校友, 教师, 受托人, 以及学术界的成员, 必须包含及时的信息. Each office and division must review and maintain its section of the 网站 and work to ensure that it is 当前的 and relevant.


Persons wishing to post announcements on the home page or other portions of the 网站 should submit their request through email to the 交流团队. 发布由通讯团队自行决定.


Photographs on the main site are changed on an as needed by the交流团队 and trained school personnel. 学生’s names may be posted to the site and its online 出版s to highlight achievement but student safety needs to be taken in to account overall. 必须特别注意低年级的学生.


学生的个人联系方式, 父母, 和老师, 包括家庭住址和电子邮件地址, 电话号码, and other information that could be used by unauthorized individuals, will not be 发布ed on the public portion of the SAS 网站 without prior permission. 学生, 家长, and school employee contact information is available through a secure, SAS网站上的密码保护门户(体育会).



The general appearance of pages on the website is governed by the templates built into the site itself and by the Saint Andrew’s School Style Manual and Communications Guide. Any new pages on the site must be constructed or duplicated from existing template pages and also follow the Style Manual and Communications Guide to ensure that the navigation, header, 风格元素是一致的.

All pages on the main SAS website must comply with the following requirements:

  • 所有内容必须在发布前进行审查.
  • 所有的网页都必须有一个使用Heading 1字体的标题.
  • To enable a faster 下载ing time, scanned photographs should be limited to 72 dpi.
  • Links to pages that are defunct or "under construction" should not be created or should be removed.
  • Files for 下载 must be under 5 MB in size and 5 minutes in viewing length (where applicable).


记住这一点很重要, 就像网站上的其他东西一样, 录音, 视频片段代表学校. 因此,音频或视频必须具有尽可能高的质量. Video, which is inappropriate in 内容, blurry, unsteady, or difficult to view will not be posted. Audio that is difficult to hear or inappropriate in 内容 will not be posted. Content must be of a nature as to speak to unique aspects of the school or community life.

Final discretion as to whether a media file is placed on the SAS website rests with the 交流团队.



SAS网站受版权保护. 然而, posting or providing access to material that violates the 版权s of others is prohibited. 没有版权材料, 包括受版权保护的教育材料, may be posted anywhere on SAS website without the written authorization of the 版权 owner. Knowingly providing links to 网站s that contain pirated materials is also prohibited.



Saint Andrew’s School has adopted and enforces the standards outlined in this website Policy for materials posted on its website and any SAS related 网站. The school reserves the right to remove or disable access to material that violates its acceptable use policies. 然而, the school does not assume any responsibility or liability for 内容 provided by others, 包括教师提供的内容, 工作人员, 还有学生的个人网页.



伟德国际的网站和所有的内容区域, 讨论版, 以及WWW上提供的其他好处.saintandrews.网是伟德国际提供给用户的特权. Violation of the 伟德国际 条款 and 条件 may result in the loss of 伟德国际 account privileges temporarily or permanently as outlined below.

All applicable laws must be adhered to when using the 伟德国际 website. 因为伟德国际是非营利性的, 免税组织, users agree not to use the website for organized partisan political activities. Discussion board postings should relate to the topic of the respective discussion board. 还有,以下内容 不得张贴 在伟德国际的论坛或任何地方 www.saintandrews.网:

  • 诽谤或威胁他人的材料
  • 偏执的、仇恨的或种族歧视的言论
  • Material that discusses illegal activities with the intent to commit them
  • 未经许可使用的版权或其他专有材料
  • 含有粗俗或淫秽语言或图像的材料


Available Procedures for Policy Violations on 伟德国际 网站:

  • VIOLATION #1 - Posting will be removed and abuser loses all SAS account privileges for 30 days.
  • VIOLATION #2 - Posting will be removed and abuser loses all SAS account privileges for 90 days.
  • VIOLATION #3 - Posting will be removed and abuser loses all SAS account privileges permanently.


The 内容s of these pages are subject to periodic change without notice from 伟德国际. 伟德国际 makes no representations or warranties of any kind, 明示或暗示, 伟德国际网站的运营, 的信息, 内容, 精度, 完整性, 材料或产品, 包括在本网站. 在适用法律允许的最大范围内, 伟德国际不作任何保证, 明示或暗示, 包括但不限于, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. 伟德国际 will not be liable for 损害赔偿 of any kind arising from the use or inaccessibility of this website including, 但不限于, 直接, 间接, 附带的惩罚性和间接损害赔偿.

Any pages containing business or vendor information on the website if for informational purposes only. 伟德国际 is not acting as a recommendation agent in any respect and is merely assisting the 伟德国际 community to exchange information. 伟德国际 does not verify the claims and qualifications of its website users and is not responsible for any actions or failures to act on the part of the individual who uses the website. 

伟德国际 shall not be liable for the disclosure of any information that you provide through the website and you are cautioned to consider the possible disclosure of any information that you provide on the website prior to utilizing the service. You agree that any information obtained through the 网站 is at your own risk and you agree to indemnify, 保持无害, 伟德国际, 以及其员工的索赔, 损害赔偿, 损失, 负债, 成本和费用, 由您使用本网站直接或间接造成的.

伟德国际 reserves the right to routinely screen or monitor 内容 posted by users to the website. 也, 伟德国际 reserves the right to remove 内容 which violates the above rules of which it becomes aware but is under no obligation to do so.

您不得访问或试图访问任何其他用户的帐户, or misrepresent or attempt to misrepresent your identity while using the 网站.

这 Web Site may contain links to 网站s controlled by parties other than 伟德国际. 伟德国际 has not necessarily reviewed these third-party sites. 伟德国际 is not responsible for and does not endorse or accept any responsibility for the 内容s or use of these third-party 网站s. 伟德国际 is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by 伟德国际 of the linked 网站. It is your responsibility to take precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use is free of viruses or other items of a destructive nature. 


用户不得修改, 复制, 分发, frame, 深度链接, 传输, 显示, 执行, 繁殖, 发布, 许可证, 创作衍生作品, 转移, 或者出售任何信息, 软件, 产品, or services obtained from the Web Site without the express written consent of 伟德国际, 可以扣留, 自行决定. 

考虑到您对本网站的使用, 您同意提供真实, 当前的, 准确的, 和完整的 information about yourself as requested during the registration process, 并更新必要的信息以保持其真实性, 当前的, 准确的, 和完整的. 

You agree that you will use the website in a manner that complies with all applicable laws, and you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any 内容 that you upload, 下载, 传输或以其他方式处理使用本网站. 


  • 通过网站传输任何数据, 文本, video, audio, 网站, 或其他批评伟德国际的内容, 进攻, 淫秽, 色情, 炎症, 骚扰, 威胁, 侵权行为的, 侵犯他人隐私, 虐待, 可恶的, 诽谤, 对未成年人有害, 或其他令人反感的; 
  • 通过本网站传送任何侵犯任何专利的内容, 商标, 版权, 宣传权, 或其他知识产权; 
  • 传送任何违反任何适用的本地, 状态, 国家, or inter国家 law that could give rise to civil or criminal liability; 
  • 发送任何未经请求的促销内容, 广告材料, “垃圾邮件,连锁信, 或其他此类要求; 
  • 使用网站进行公开广播, 传输, or 显示 内容 for "pay-per-下载" or other commercial purposes; 
  • 使用该网站传播包含病毒的内容, 蠕虫, 特洛伊木马, 嗅探器, or other code designed to acquire information about other users or disrupt the functionality or availability of any computer program, 数据库, the Web Site or any other Inter网 host; or 
  • 通过欺骗来伪装你的身份, 锻造头, 使用第三方中继, 或者以其他方式模糊传输内容的来源, 包括冒充他人或实体. 


您可以通过电子邮件终止您的帐户 communications@saintandrews.网. 伟德国际可能会终止您的帐户, 您对网站的访问权限, 或者整个服务, 或其任何部分, 在任何时候, 无论是否通知,都由其自行决定.

The Web Site is provided by 伟德国际 in 波卡拉顿, 佛罗里达. You agree that any dispute arising out of or relating to these 条款 or your use of the website, 是否基于合同, 侵权行为, 成文法或其他法律, 将受佛罗里达州法律管辖吗, 排除其法律冲突条款. 您进一步同意属人管辖权, and exclusive venue in the federal and 状态 courts located in and serving Palm Beach County, 佛罗里达, 作为任何此类争议的法律论坛.



不幸的是,没有任何数据传输是100%安全的. 我们会尽力保护您的个人信息, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of the personal information that you 传输. 您自行承担传输此类信息的风险. Once we receive such information, we will expend our best efforts to maintain security on our system.


这 site makes forums, message boards, and/or news groups available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and 伟德国际 is not responsible for any results of the disclosures, 所以我们不鼓励公开个人信息. Nor should you disclose any information about your employer if there is any chance 的信息 might be proprietary or confidential. 伟德国际 encourages users to respect the privacy of other individuals on the Web Site.



Information gathered on the Web Site may be used by 伟德国际 and its partners or affiliates. Our Web Site provides users the opportunity to opt out of receiving communications from us and our partners.


The 佛罗里达 Department of Law Enforcement maintains a sexual predator and sexual offender registry.  父母, 学生, and employees should regularly visit the public registry to review it for individuals who may have prior criminal records and sex offenses. Information concerning registered sex offenders and predators in 佛罗里达 may be obtained by visiting http://www.fdle.状态.fl.us, the 佛罗里达 Department of Law Enforcement Sexual Offenders 数据库. Information may also be obtained by contacting the FDLE’s toll free telephone number: 1-888-357-7332.  本信息的提供符合佛罗里达州法律.

如果您对本隐私声明有任何疑问, 本网站的惯例, 或您与本网站的交易, 您可以联系: 

