

Upon entering their junior year, 伟德国际 offers students the 国际学士学位 文凭课程(DP), designed to develop the whole student by guiding them to analyze, 批判性的思考, and form conclusions about knowledge in the effort to become globally-minded citizens.



As with the Primary Years and 文凭课程s, the IB学习者简介 defines the type of lifelong learner that the MYP strives to develop. The IB learner profile represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. 我们相信这些属性, 以及其他类似的人, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, 国家, 以及全球社区. (伊博人,2013年). The profile aims to develop learners who are:


什么是ib ??

The 国际学士学位 Organization’s 文凭课程(DP) was created in 1968. 这是一门要求很高的大学预科课程,面向大三和大四的学生,最终会参加考试,被美国和世界各地的精英大学公认为优秀的预科课程. IB文凭课程专为高度上进心的中学生设计,目前在全球超过145个国家的4500多所学校开展. 在过去的几年里, IB文凭课程已成为美国高中寻求提供世界一流大学预科课程的首选课程.


IB文凭课程(DP)课程为不同教育背景的高积极性学生提供了一个有凝聚力和全面的文科和理科课程, 能力, 和利益. It is not just a set of examinations but also a robust academic program, emphasizing academic achievement, 批判性思维, 研究技能, 以及社区服务. The DP aims to provide a balanced program, 激发学生的思维和创造力,提高学生的国际视野. 满足课程要求的学生表现出对学习的强烈承诺, both in terms of mastery of content and the development of skills. The purpose of the DP curriculum is to

  • Educate young people to act intelligently and responsibly in a complex society.
  • Ensure knowledge of traditional academic disciplines and of the individual's own heritage, while fostering inquisitiveness and openness to new ideas.
  • Equip students with a genuine understanding of themselves and others, 在IB课程中提高宽容和尊重不同观点的能力.

An IB 文凭课程 education centers on learners, delivers well-researched instruction, 探索多样化, 全球内容.

ib dp的独特性质

There are many college preparatory programs available, so “What makes the DP different from other college prep programs?” It starts with the philosophy that knowledge is not static, that bodies of knowledge are continually shifting, and that a person should engage with that knowledge rather than passively absorb it. The DP is not simply about acquiring a body of information; it is about how to think. 国际文凭学习者简介国际文凭学习者简介是从IB使命声明中产生的. IB旨在培养探究性, 知识渊博的, 以及有爱心的年轻人,他们通过跨文化理解和尊重,帮助创造一个更美好、更和平的世界. It is the backbone and beginning place for the entire IB program. 学习者简介已经成为定义IB学生努力成为的学习者类型的价值观, but also something IB teachers and administrators aspire towards in their careers. 国际意识IB课程旨在培养具有国际意识的人,他们认识到他们共同的人性和共同的地球守护者,并帮助创造一个更美好、更和平的世界. 国际思维使人们能够以一种减少对自己的关注,同时强调更多对他人的关注的方式来感知世界.


伟德国际认为IB文凭课程应该面向所有学生, allowing any student to pursue either the IB Diploma or an individual DP course(s). Each pathway should be discussed with a student’s counselor during course registration. 注册为IB文凭课程候选人的学生将开始为期两年的强化课程. 学生 interested in the challenge and rigor offered by the DP courses, but not necessarily in all subject areas, may take a DP course in one or more areas of interest rather than the full diploma. 如课程指南所述,学生必须参加DP课程的相应先决条件. Successfully completing a course results in a “certificate” in that area. All students who enroll in a DP course are required to take the IB examination in May.


IB文凭课程是一个严格的两年制课程,包括外部评估考试. DP提供了两方面的广度, in terms of the range of courses offered, 和深度, in that students must take many courses for two years. 这是一些学院和大学所要求的专业化和另一些学院和大学所喜欢的广度之间的一种刻意的妥协. IB文凭考生需要在11年级和12年级期间完成六个组的课程. 考生必须在5月份完成与所学课程相关的三个高级和三个标准水平考试. An elective can be substituted as a group 6 course if the student chooses.


In addition to the six subject areas, 文凭课程有三个核心要求,是DP哲学的核心,并挑战候选人应用他们的知识和理解. 三个核心要求是:知识理论(TOK)这门课程是在候选人大三的春季和大四的秋季进行的. 该课程要求学生调查知识的来源(认识的方式)以及它与更大的世界(知识领域)的关系。. It is in effect a course on thought and a student's relationship to it. TOK is a course about 批判性思维 and inquiring into the process of knowing, rather than about learning a specific body of knowledge. 创造力, 活动, 服务(CAS)创意, 活动, 服务(CAS)让学生在整个文凭课程学习的同时参加各种活动. CAS让学生通过体验式学习来提高他们的个人和人际发展. 通过IB, students are challenged to understand the impact of their service personally, 在本地, 和全球. Extended Essay (Advanced Research) 学生 complete an 独立的, 自主研究, 以4收尾,000-word paper on a topic of their choosing. A faculty member supervises every student engaged in writing the extended essay. The supervisor’s role is to encourage, 支持, 建议, and guide the student as he/she goes through the writing process. 这 academic experience prepares a student to be able to conduct 独立的 research, a skill highly valued by colleges and universities.


获得IB文凭的目标是通过在课程结束时通过内部评估(IA)和综合考试(外部评估)展示他们对六个学科领域的知识来实现的. IBDP examinations are scored on a scale of 1-7. In order to be awarded the IB diploma, 学生的考试和IAs总分必须达到24分(HL课程至少12分)。. There are other opportunities to gain points towards a student’s diploma total. 根据学生在扩展论文(EE)和知识理论(TOK)上的得分,学生最多可以获得3分,并将其计入总分.


组1: 语言文学

组2: 语言习得

第三组: 个人与社会

第四组: 科学

组5: 数学

第六组: 艺术 


IB文凭课程为学生进入大学做准备,越来越多的大学认识到IB文凭的价值. 他们发现IB文凭课程的学生具有他们在未来学生中寻找的品质-他们好奇, 精力充沛的, 承诺, 努力工作, 国际上的. 研究表明,参加IB课程的学生比没有参加这个严格的学术课程的学生更能在大学里取得成功. 完成IB文凭课程的学生将获得高中文凭和国际公认的IB文凭. Due to the exceptional work students engage in throughout their IB diploma experience, IB courses are college credit-earning courses. 学生有资格获得的大学学分数量取决于学生申请的学院和大学以及学生在各学科的成绩.