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The 中学 Day

During 中学, 我们期待通过为学生提供许多培养自信的机会,引导他们从依赖到独立的旅程, 必要的技能, and a love of learning. 我们的课程让学生有很多机会通过接触学者来找到生活中的平衡, 艺术, 和体育. Innovation and creative thinking are promoted as students develop the ability to collaborate, 计划, 和分析. Developing strong character and honor are also core to what we do at Saint Andrew's.


School hours are 8:00 am - 3:15 pm (except Wednesday; 2:15 pm dismissal). Our schedule is organized into eight blocks, with four meeting each day. 学生 are assigned to an advisory group which meets daily in the morning. 中学的课程是按“A”日和“B”日交替进行的,每个字母日每十天上五次课.

All students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will take English, 社会研究, a language (Chinese, 法语或西班牙语), 数学, 科学, and physical and heatlh education. Each student will also select one performing arts class. In addition, students are enrolled in a semester of Design and 视觉艺术.


每年, students are assigned to an advisory group which is a cohort of students from the same grade level. 每个顾问团都被指派一名中学教师顾问,顾问团通常由10到14名学生组成. Advisors get to know their students well and serve as an advocate for their advisees. 父母/guardians should feel comfortable contacting their child’s advisor with questions or concerns.

Advisory, Chapel, and Assembly

Each week on Mondays during the advisory block, 所有学生要么与导师一起参加报到会议,要么独立完成他们选择的主题的待完成作业. They are also encouraged to bring a book for “rather be reading” time. 

周二, 学生使用咨询块参加一个集会会议,旨在解决与中学生社交情感发展相关的主题,这些主题通常建立在每周咨询课程中涵盖的主题之上. 

Each Thursday, all students attend chapel sessions. 

On Fridays, advisory lessons take place during the advisory block. Topics that will be covered in these classes may include, but are not limited to: orientation to the 中学, preparation for high school, healthy relationships, 来自同辈的压力, 健康的选择, 正念, 成长心态, personal development, sensitivity training, 语言的力量, stereotypes of society, and other topics that are developmentally-appropriate. 

学生 are invited to bring snacks from home which may be eaten during the advisory block.


Religious life at Saint Andrew’s 中学 is firmly rooted in the Episcopal identity of the school. As an Episcopal school, 圣安德鲁提供了一个欢迎和肯定的环境,学生可以在他们个人的信仰旅程中成长. Saint Andrew’s presents the Episcopal tradition as a model for religious experience, while simultaneously lifting up other religious traditions. 

Religious life manifests itself in three distinct, yet complementary ways:

  • 宗教课程-社会研究课程的组织鼓励与圣经相关的主题整合, world religions and/or ethics  

  • Chapel - The entire 中学 dedicates time every Thursday for community worship. Chapel is the time when the customs and values of the Episcopal tradition are most clearly expressed. 学生 of all faith backgrounds are able to participate. Chapel programs vary and often feature guest speakers. They also incorporate school ceremonies, such as Honor Pinning, and celebrations of religious holidays.

  • 牧师-牧师协调教堂和组织课外学生团体,如基督教团契和犹太论坛. The Chaplain is available to students of all faith backgrounds to support their individual spiritual needs.


中学田径比赛有五期,大约有三十支完全由中学生组成的队伍. 而安全, 空间的限制, and player development may limit team size, 体育部及其教练决心让尽可能多的中学生运动员参与进来.

中学校际运动队通常在学习日结束时开始练习,但练习时间可能因运动而异. While most teams practice Monday through Thursday, some also include Friday. All Middle and 上学校 athletic schedules are posted on the Saint Andrew’s School website.

社区 and Service

国际中学文凭课程(IB MYP)的行动部分包括为同学和更广泛的社区提供服务. 这 can be both inside and outside the classroom and school and can meet an authentic need, becoming meaningful service - working with people rather than for them. Through such service, students are able to grow both personally and socially, developing skills such as collaboration, 合作, 解决问题, conflict resolution, and creative and critical thinking. 这些行为是学生展示他们对IB学习者简介属性的承诺的方式.

学生, faculty, and staff at Saint Andrew’s strive to embody the IB Learner Profile Attributes to develop into internationally-minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the 计划et, help to create a better and more peaceful world. To promote these aims, the school has three expectations regarding service.  

服务学习是一种教学策略,将有意义的社区服务与指导和反思相结合,以丰富学习经验, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Through service learning, young people use what they learn in the classroom to solve real-life problems. They not only learn the practical applications of their studies, they become actively contributing citizens and community members through the service they perform.

Advisory Service Projects 

Each advisory group will adopt a service project that they will support throughout the year. 学生 will connect with the broader community with the purpose of learning, 帮助, and supporting those in need. Each advisory group will form an affiliation with a local agency, past examples of which include Boca Helping Hands, 佛罗伦萨富勒, 和梅·沃伦. 学生 will work with their advisor to 计划 a meaningful service experience. 

Individual Service Projects 

期望每个学生都能以某种方式为社区提供服务. 学生可以在社区中以一致的方式做志愿者,或者参与一个国际关注的问题. They may also choose to take on an advocacy role. Advisory teachers will assist students in identifying an area of interest for this service project.

学生有机会通过国家及社区服务公团获得总统志愿服务奖. 这个项目将促进学生和社区中其他可能有需求的人之间的联系,这些需求可以通过适合他们年龄的服务来满足. 从12月1日到11月31日,学生们有机会设定个人目标,在规定的时间内获得一定的小时数. The minimum number of hours required to earn this award is 50 hours and the additional levels are:

  • Bronze Award  50 - 74 hours

  • Silver Award  75 - 99 hours

  • Gold Award  100+ hours

Grade 8 社区 Project 

为期三年的中学项目教学在八年级的一个社区项目中达到高潮,该项目培养了对不同社区需求的认识,并通过服务学习来解决这些需求. The community project engages students in sustained, in-depth inquiry that leads to service as action. 学生 will investigate, 计划, take action, and then reflect on their project. The 社区 Project is coordinated through advisory classes. 


Throughout the school year, field trips away from campus are arranged as a means of enriching students’ learning experience. Field trips are considered part of the curriculum, therefore, students are expected to participate. Depending on the trip, families may be responsible for some additional costs.  

Each grade level also 计划s an overnight trip between three and four days in length. 如果要参加长途旅行,则必须与中学校长协商. 学生 who are unable to attend their grade level trip will be required to attend local, day trips in place of the overnight trip. 

While students are engaged in a school-sponsored day or overnight trips, they will be viewed as ambassadors of Saint Andrew’s School; therefore, 他们被期望以一种有利于该职位的方式行事,并对学校和学生有良好的影响. As a participant of either domestic or international field trips, students are to understand that they are still considered a Saint Andrew’s student. 像这样, 他们必须遵守圣安德鲁中学中学手册中规定的规章制度, including the Student Code of Conduct and Honor Code, as well as the local laws of the location of the trip.

中学 Theatre Production

Every year, the 中学 sponsors a theatre production for students from grades 6, 7, and 8. Auditions are typically held several months prior to the winter performances. While every effort is made to schedule the early rehearsals around other commitments, during the three weeks prior to the musical, a more intensive rehearsal schedule requires full cast participation. 


The goal of the 圆形广场 is to blend leadership, 学校精神, and positive social interaction among students. 学生 are given many opportunities to develop and demonstrate leadership skills.  圣安德鲁圆形广场项目的理想是通过创造一种国际主义的感觉来发展每个孩子的潜力, universal democracy, environmental action, 冒险精神, and leadership and service to the community and beyond. 这些指导原则旨在帮助学生做好准备,迎接在全球化世界中迎接成人的挑战.  All students have the opportunity to participate in the RSLAC Organization that meets before school.  

圆形广场 Conference and Travel Opportunities 

圆形广场 often organizes a ‘Conference of the Americas’ that is hosted by one of the member schools. Occasionally, 圆形广场 students are invited to participate in an International Conference.  参与活动使我们有机会认识来自世界各地学校的学生,与他们建立有意义的联系. These connections may lead to exchange opportunities with other member schools. 通常情况下,这所学校会接待来自其他几所圆广场学校的学生,而学校也会接待圣安德鲁的学生. 在可能的情况下,圆广场学校的学生也有机会参加延长的实地考察.  

在可能的情况下, member schools of 圆形广场 invite a limited number of students to join trips that are focused on culture, service and adventure.  The school reciprocates by offering other schools an opportunity to join trips.  Opportunities are sometimes limited due to the size of the host group.

Student Leadership Council

中学生领导委员会为学生提供了成为中学生领导的机会. 成员代表他们的同学,并与教师顾问一起讨论对学生重要的话题. Members also reinforce the honor code and core messages contained in the honor pledge. 他们有机会参加学校的活动,并为《BETVlCTOR》的学生公报提供内容. Members apply and are selected by members of the administration in collaboration with the faculty advisors.