

中学课程(MYP) 圣安德鲁中学的课程涵盖了中学的三年. 中学项目提供了一个框架来帮助学生发展知识, understanding, attitudes, and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world.

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与小学及文凭课程一样, the IB学习者简介 defines the type of lifelong learner that the MYP strives to develop. IB学习者概况代表了IB世界学校重视的10个属性. 我们相信这些属性, 以及其他类似的人, 能否帮助个人和团体成为当地负责任的成员, national, 以及全球社区. (IBO, 2013). 本课程旨在培养以下学习者:



International-mindedness is a core component of the MYP curriculum through which students are challenged to think analytically and creatively about global topics in order to be best prepared for 21st century challenges, 学会重视自己的文化和他人的文化, build awareness that the world is much larger than the local community in which they live, 并获得将自己视为负责任的全球公民的能力.


The 国际学士学位 is the world's most rigorous academic program emphasizing academic achievement, critical thinking, research skills, 以及社区服务. 它旨在培养探究性, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

它还强调跨文化意识和交流. 课程必须反映, 并且对, 所有学生的不同观点. 它还应该指导他们形成自己的国际观. This necessitates an emphasis on communication skills, both in the languages and in other subjects. Students are required to study at least two languages (English and an additional language of choice) to support their understanding of their own culture and those of others and to broaden their ability to communicate.

Subject Areas

The MYP emphasizes holistic learning in order to expose students to as many different subjects, skills, and experiences as possible so that students will learn to see knowledge as an interrelated whole. The MYP curriculum emphasizes a broad and balanced education in each of eight subject areas: Language and Literature (English), 语言习得(中文), French, or Spanish), 个人与社会(社会研究), Sciences, Mathematics, , 体育与健康教育, Design, 及艺术(视觉及表演). Wherever possible, connections across these subjects are emphasized and reinforced through interdisciplinary units of study.


概念是一个大的想法或一个持久的原则, 它的意义超越了特定起源等方面, subject matter, or place in time. Concepts represent the vehicle for students’ inquiry into issues and ideas of personal, local, 以及全球意义, 提供一种方法,通过这种方法可以探索一个主题的本质. MYP确定了规定的关键概念和相关概念. These concepts ensure the development of a rigorous curriculum and promote a shared community of practice among IB World Schools offering the MYP. The MYP key concepts taught across the range of subjects in the Middle School are:

Global Contexts

提供全球背景有助于学生理解复杂的世界. Categories of information help students to answer the question, “Why are we learning this?“这是六类全球背景:

Identities and relationships Orientation in space and time Personal and cultural expression Scientific and technical innovation Globalization and sustainability Fairness and development

Units of work in all subjects allow students to explore one of the Global Contexts. Global Contexts are designed to encourage the students to make worthwhile connections between the real world and classroom learning. 通过他们对学科概念的学习, 学生将对全球背景有更好的理解.


The MYP is student-centered in that it fosters in students an awareness of their own learning process and supports them in developing the necessary skills to continue learning throughout life. The curriculum seeks to shift the emphasis from teacher-led instruction to student-led inquiry and learning wherever possible. A focus on higher-order thinking skills gives students opportunities to develop a growing awareness of themselves and others, 当他们探索现实世界的问题. 学习技能的方法包括传统的学术技能, such as, communication, research, 批判性和创造性思维, however, ATL技能也能全面发展学生. 社交技能促进合作, 而自我管理则侧重于组织的发展, 反思和情感(社会情感)技能. Students learn and reflect on their growth in using the ATL skills throughout their time in the Middle School.


单元以学生为中心进行教学, inquiry-based style of instruction with the teacher serving as the coach rather than the expert. Techniques can include guided inquiry, problem-based learning, and constructivist investigations. Teachers collaborate with each other to build connections between their subjects as well as ensure alignment between the grade levels. 在教室里, they differentiate instruction to support all students to develop their personal best. They focus on developing skills and utilize assessment to inform instruction allowing them to guide students to increasing levels of mastery.


MYP teachers use internationally-published IB assessment criteria as a benchmark for their grading. 他们利用一系列的评估任务, 比如开放式活动, 研究调查, creative projects, organized debates, experiments, and reflections, allowing students to demonstrate their achievement according to subject-specific criteria. Students’ grades in each of the MYP subjects are based on the teacher’s assessment of growth according to that subject’s specific, 基于等级的标准. Students’ achievement levels are reported as MYP scores that are then converted to percentage grades.


行动和服务一直是IB社区的共同价值观. 在中学, students take action when they apply what they are learning in the classroom and beyond. Students are encouraged through the MYP curriculum to be caring members of the community who make a positive difference to the lives of others and the environment. Each grade level participates in various types of group service as action through class projects and advisory.


社区项目在中学项目第3年(8年级)完成. 作为学习的巩固, 社区计划的重点是社区和服务, encouraging students to explore their right and responsibility to take action on a cause they are passionate about that contributes to their community. 学生们通过咨询来发展他们的项目, 保持一个持续的过程日志, 并提供一个最终的演示来展示他们的服务, learning, and growth. 该项目为学生提供了一个自我指导的机会, self-initiated project which helps develop self-management skills that will prepare them for high school and beyond.